Senin, 30 September 2013

Instalasi Kabel UTP Straight dan Cross dan Test PING Ip

Saya akan share hasil dari tugas saya yaitu instalasi kabel UTP Cross dan Straight dan diakhiri dengan Test Ping IP .Saya meminta maaf jika terdapat kesalahan, tentunya saya juga manusia biasa yang sedang dalam proses belajar. Terima Kasih
Just Watch It !

Kamis, 26 September 2013

My Shoes

On one day,
There was a boy with dull shoes. He sat on a park bench. He only saw his shoes were dull. 
After that he went to the park a small bridge, he saw himself in water under the bridge. 
After that he went and met with the another boy  with expensive shoes.

Senin, 02 September 2013

Adjective Clause

would you mind keeping my sister.
would you mind forgeting me.
would you mind promising with me.
would you mind climbing the tower.
would you mind painting this wall.