Rabu, 12 Desember 2012

Dampak Perkembangan Teknologi

Pada Sore hari ini saya akan memberikan informasi tentang dampak teknologi informasi yang berkembang sangat cepat , langsung saja kita ke TKP ..
Teknologi Informasi. Setiap perkembangan teknologi pasti berdampak bagi umat manusia, baik positif maupun negatif. Lalu apa saja yang perlu kita ketahui tentang hal tersebut, mari kita simak info di bawah ini.

Dampak Teknologi Informasi Positif media komputer, internet, informasi, atau komunikasi :

Selasa, 04 Desember 2012


“I’d rather be sorry for something I did than for something I didn’t do.” – Kris Kristofferson.
English people often apologise. But sometimes they say sorry when they are not apologising, and sometimes when they apologise they are not sorry. They may also offer an apology to start an argument, or apologise without saying so.

UNIT 3 : How Do You Describe Them All?

How Do You Describe Them All?

Grammar Focus
      1.      What is a synonym?

Synonyms are words or phrases which have the same or nearly the same meaning as other words or phrases in the same languange:


When you describe something, you need to give suffcient information to make detailed description, so the others can catch the things that you mean. Beside that, once you have some occasions, meeting, appointment with doctor, and etc, you have to know well the time and place. Talking about the time, it is absolutely inseparable

Senin, 03 Desember 2012

UNIT 1 : Greeting and Leave Taking

Assalamualaikum , hari ini saya akan share materi Unit 1 bahasa inggris tentang Greetings and Leave talking. Sesuai dengan artinya yang berarti kata penyambut/kata yang diucapkan ketika bertemu dan kata yang berati perkataan perpisahan/apa yang dikatakan